Friday 20 February 2015

Confessions of a Beauty Blogger

The lovely Sarah from tagged me in her post, and challenged me to answer a bunch of questions related to beauty and blogging.
So without further ado, here comes my Confessions of a Beauty Blogger

1. How many hours a week do you spend planning/writing/uploading posts?
It really varies from week to week, month to month, and season to season. Since I prefer to snap all my photos outdoors there’s not much time in the winter, but there’s a lot of opportunities to do so in the summer. I’d say that I probably spend an average of 4 hours a week planning and writing my blogposts - that’s about 2 posts per week.

2. Are you a spender or a saver?
Definitely a saver! I’m not bothered about fancy brands, and prefer to have 10 pieces of normal priced clothing rather than 1 expensive piece. It’s all about variety! ;)
However, when it comes to investment pieces like a pair of quality boots or a leather jacket I don’t mind splashing out – as long as it doesn’t happen too often.

3. When is it easiest for you to write your posts?
Sundays! My other half is really boring on Sundays and happily spends all day watching football (sorry hunny), so that’s the prime time for me to do some blogging.

4. What makes writing posts comfortable for you?
Comfy clothes, sofa, laptop, and lots of coffee!

5. What’s your worst make up/hair habit?
I wash my hair too often. My sister, who’s a hairdresser, told me off for it a couple of months ago, and ever since then I am really trying to only wash my hair every other day. It’s hard though… I love a proper shower in the morning to wake me up.

6. What’s one quote you wish the world would live by?
I don’t know about the world,  but I’ve got a quote tattooed on my ribs which I would like to try and live by;
‘Every second counts, cause there’s no second try’
Pretty much meaning to make the most of every day, but without saying 'Carpe Diem'.

7. How long do you spend getting ready every day?
Well… I like sleep-ins. Maybe a bit too much! Over the years I’ve really worked on my morning routines, and they’re now down to about 30-40 minutes without a minute spare. I make sure to take my time on a weekend though.

8. What’s your favourite post on your blog?
Oooh… tricky one! I’ve blogged for 4.5 years so there are a lot of posts to choose from!
But it’s always fun when my photos have been taken somewhere else rather than at home. I got quite a lot of weird looks when I was getting my photos done for my Bohemian inspired summer fashion post, as it was on the main shopping street in Leeds on a busy Saturday afternoon.

9. Who is a beauty blogger that you think deserves more subscribers that they have?
Probably Glitterbat – her posts are really witty and well planned, which I like.

10. What’s one thing you’re excited about in the coming year?
My very oldest friend getting married (we’ve been friends since we were 6 years old), and me singing at the wedding

11. What’s been your favourite blogging moment?
Without a doubt all the amazing blogger events I’ve been invited too! 
And maybe when I got my amazing DKNY handbag free to review ;)

12. How long does it take to prep for a post?
Usually a couple of hours, including persuading my other half to snap some photos of me, filtering them down on the computer, and writing the content.

13. Are you wearing jeans/skirt right now or are you wearing pyjama bottoms?
Jeans - ain't nothing better than a good pair of skin tight jeans! Comfortable and flattering ;)

14. What are you most proud of in your life?
Being brave enough to move countries, and setting up a life here in the UK. I made myself a career, and I feel good about myself for that.
I would like to hear other beauty/fashion bloggers' view on this, and therefore tag the following – which are some of my favourite bloggers;
Mode of Style
Mode Lily


  1. Woo, thanks for the tag and the kind words - I'm blushing! I love reading posts like this, maybe it's because I'm naturally quite nosy? ;) xxx

  2. Jättekul att läsa sånna här inlägg :D Du kan väl ha frågestund bland dina läsare och svara i inlägg?
