Friday 28 January 2011

My accidental purchase

I accidentally bought some shoes yesterday. A pair of Hush Puppies mid heel lace up shoes. I blame it all on my workmate who is a true shopaholic, who dragged me to town during our lunch break to check out the Barratts sale.
I only walked in to that shop to buy some soles for a pair of boots that I've got that are too big. But after having paid for them, I saw, in the corner of my eye, a gorgeous pair of tan lace up brogues.
The style was
a bit like the shoes of the 1920's, with a mid-heel and pretty detailed patterns on the toe. And with a price tag that said sale, I just had to buy them!
They are real leather, and
they look great together with my new black military style dress and a pair of red earrings, which is what I am wearing today.
I feel pretty
, oh so pretty... :)

1 comment:

  1. Cool! loving it and don't blame it on the shopaholic ! lol, We all have our shopping moments xoxo
