Sunday 6 October 2013

A day in the life of Fashion Infatuation

You might have seen last weekend that I was tweeting and posting photos on Instagram with the hashtag #BootsEyeCheck.Now, why would I do that?

The lovely people at Boots contacted me and asked if I would like to document a day in my life and everything I see, for the national eye health care week that occurred a couple of weeks ago. The point was to think about things I see in my everyday life, that I take for granted.

The first thing I do in the morning is putting my makeup on. I wouldn't be able to see myself in the mirror if I had really bad eye sight, and attempting to put my makeup on with blurry sight would probably result in me looking like a clown. If you don't take care of your eyes, you might look yourself in the mirror and just see a blur. What would you prefer?
So I started taking photos of what I did during my day. This was last Saturday, which was my friend's birthday, so I had lots of exciting things to look at and document.
1 Plucking my eyebrows after my morning shower
2 Choosing my outfit for the day
3 Inspecting my pretty makeup that I received from Boots
4 Trying my new No7 eyeshadows in gorgeous purple hues
5 Putting on my makeup and trying my new No7 mascara
6 Watching the pretty sun coming through the kitchen window
7 Drinking coffee in the garden in my favourite mug
8 Watching my cat doing silly things
9 Outfit of the day; pale pink lace dress, taupe clutch bag, handmade silver ring and manicured nails

10 Watching my friend opening her birthday present
11 Admiring the Swedish flag birthday cake my friend's boyfriend had baked for her
12 More cake!
13 Me, enjoying the Autumn afternoon sun
14 Checking out this hottie; Kristina from Mode of Style
15 Kristina and I in the sunshine
16 My dinner for the night; beef fillet with bearnaise sauce at Blackhouse in Leeds
17 My gorgeous boyfriend with his best Hollywood smile
18 Enjoying food and drinks with the birthday girl and a bunch of friends

I am so grateful that I've got healthy eyes, and that I'm able to see everything around me.
Remember to take proper care of your eyes. You can read about the three steps of good eye care here. It includes care, protect and check.
For more information, and to book yourself an eye check, visit Boots Opticians
And remember: they've got super stylish fashion glasses too ;)


  1. Such a lovely post, its amazing what you go through in a day, you don't realise how much you've actually done until you look back. I'm going to do a post on this too as its a great idea and think everyone should take care of their eyes.

  2. I love that handmade silver ring! :) <3

    Tara xo

    1. Thank you Tara! :)
      I made it myself from an antique silver fork in a jewellery course I took.
