Thursday 8 March 2012

Cowgirl fashion by Wildfox

I must admit... I've got a weakness for cowboy fashion. It's nothing I would wear in my everyday life, but I sure dream of doing it. Perhaps I should suggest having an office cowboy friday instead of casual friday ;)
I've been looking at the Wildfox Couture spring collection which is inspired by the old American country and western, and I'm in love! Corsets and flowing skirts, boots and hats, saloons and whiskey, piston duels, wandering and sleeping under the stars. Could it be any better? Have a look for yourself and let me know what you think. Are you a cowgirl at heart?


  1. That's what the suggestion box at work is for... ;)

  2. Great photoshooting!
    Thanks for your comment on my blog. There's a LARGE ad space giveaway until Friday in case you wanna enter.
    Have a great day :)
