Thursday 4 September 2014

Sharing the language of love

A bit of a random post for Fashion Infatuation, but after having seen French fashion retailer La Redoute’s latest video for their campaign ‘The Language of Love’ – where people are surprised by their loved ones through French speaking (and hot male model) Mr La Redoute - I was inspired.

The campaign is about how UK people (and Northern European people in general, I would say) don’t really have a way with words when it comes to showing what they feel. La Redoute’s motto ‘French style made easy’ is not just about fashion, but about a way of life, and in this video they are trying to teach us to be more open, and to tell our loved ones what we feel about them.
You can watch this heart-warming video below, but be warned – you will tear up!

On the back of this, I would like to tell a very special person in my life what I feel about him, so here is an open letter to my other half:
(It might be a bit cheesy, so I apologise for that)

I know I don’t say it to you very often (if at all) but I really appreciate everything you do for me. I very often feel like a lost Swede in a foreign country, which is basically what I am, and you are always there when I need help. You even do the boring but necessary stuff for me that I have no clue how to do, like book my car in for an MOT, sort home insurance, save my computer from complete virus melt down… the list is long! And if it wasn’t for you, Fashion Infatuation wouldn’t be as good as it is – thank you for snapping all my blogger photos, and for being so patient when I’m bossing you around and telling you that you need to take the photos from certain angles. 
As well as being such a big help for me, you don’t ever judge me, and you make me laugh – often hysterically. You are always there to share the special moments in life, and I love the fact that we share the same passion for travelling and doing exciting things when we’re out and about. Who would have thought I would ever dare going zip lining through a Caribbean jungle?! But this happened, because of you.

Your blunt personality has made me become a more confident person, I am no longer afraid to speak my mind, and I have stopped caring what people think about me. If someone doesn’t like me – so what?!
I will always be an indecisive person with one foot in England and one in Sweden, but you’ve come to understand this and you are always there to comfort me when I’m homesick.
You annoy the hell out of me most of the time and really put my patience to the test, but I still love you, and I wouldn’t know what to do without you.


  1. Hey! I've been away (too long) from actual blogging (as I got caught up microblogging via Twitter). I am excited to rebuild my blogger network so I hope when you can find a minute you visit my blog, A Preponderance of Fashion ( and let me know you passed through.

    Anyway, I love that you're so open with your blog that you write this "cheesy" love letter. It's so cute and I wish you both a happy and blissful long love. Also thank you for sharing the campaign. I hadn't heard of it prior to this post.

  2. Åh, jag blir alldeles rörd när du så fint och gulligt om Lee.
